Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Adventures in Mod Podge

Good news! Doug said he's going to put all of his junk from the other room in the garage and I can transform the crap room into my very own craft room. Ok, well in honesty I'll probably have to let the girls in every once in a while, but it will be mostly mine, and I couldn't be happier! To celebrate I went to Hobby Lobby and bought some cool letters and attempted Mod Podge for the first time in my life. How have I lived nearly 35 years and never before tried this stuff? I'm in love. Check it out:

I'm going to paint the walls orange and hang these there. I can't wait! I'm not typically a fan of words on the walls (I do have one sign that I love, but other than that, not so much) but I just couldn't resist. The letters are on sale this week for a dollar each. The paper too, though I have probably a small forests worth of scrapbook papers in my closet, unused because I really only scrapbook in theory anymore. Maybe having a room dedicated to my endless crafts (mostly crafts-in-progress *sigh*) will help. Tessa is sad because her book only has two pages (one of those I posted).


Sarah said...

I love to mod podge. (Can that be a verb?)

I am excited for you to have a crafty room! The letters look cute. I wish Hobby Lobby was a stitch closer to me.

Marcia said...

Sar, they are building one closer. South Jordan, maybe? Or is that where one is already? Wherever, there will soon be one closer.

stringsofpurls said...

Thanks for following me! I love the Mod Podge. Maybe you can babysit for some friends or work in a nursery weekly. You could hold baby's and still get a good night's rest! :-)

Momma B said...

Modge Podge is pretty great stuff! I loooove it!

The letters are awwwwwwwesome, with the FABulously creative way that you decorated them! Great job, Lady!

Tracy Batchelder said...

Nice patchwork effect!

Nancy said...

How great that you have a room in which to CREATE!

Tanya said...

so cute marcia!! i love all the colors AND that you now have your own space to create!

Jen said...

My plan has been to do that for Christmas this year for each child. They could put it above their beds. :) Mpodge is an awesome creation!

Ruth's Place said...

Oh, a craft room of your own,that's awesome!

I have set Saturday's aside for scrapbooking, so if I get a spare minute on a Saturday I scrap. I'm hoping that it will help get the thousands of baby pictures under control...

Snot Head (a.k.a Kylie) said...

They look so awesome. I have chairs for my someday craft room. I have lots of craft stuff for my someday craft room, but I don't yet have a craft room. ;o)

Laurel said...

LOVE it! I am DREAMING of having a scrapbooking room when we get a new house. (We are living in a very small borrowed house right now.)

I AM a scrapbooker, and I REALLY need a place to keep it set up, so that I can do it more often.
