Thursday, June 03, 2010

end of the year teacher gifts

For our teachers this year I made water bottle slings, except for Birdie's 3 male teachers. For them, she made chocolate chip cookies.

This year brought new things into our lives:

Children in two different schools; one in jr. high, three in elementary.
All kids gone all day.
Our baby learned to read.
Our oldest earned a national math award.
And became a teenager.

Also some not new, but still exciting things:

State projects
County projects
Art projects
Field trips
Spelling tests
Math tests

And always, of course:

Teachers who give of themselves with their motive being making better the lives of children.

Perhaps my favorite moment of the school year was about a month ago when I picked Birdie up one day and asked, "What was your favorite thing you did today?"

Her answer came thoughtfully, "Probably the test we took in algebra."

We've been blessed.


Nancy said...

As a former teacher, I know these gifts and your appreciation mean a lot.

Tracy Batchelder said...

Cute gifts for the teachers!

Snot Head (a.k.a Kylie) said...

Love those, and they are wrapped up so cute!

Ellen said...

Super, super cute. And, practical too!

Mrs4444 said...

Algebra? That's awesome.
And the bottle slings are nice, too!