Sunday, October 05, 2008

but look, it has my name in it

While at my sister's house recently she showed me some books she had rescued from a box at Mom's house that was destined for the thrift store. The memories and warm fuzzies came flooding back.

Among those books was one titled "The Berenstain Bears and the Missing Dinosaur Bone." I remembered enjoying the mystery of the story very much. Brother and Sister peaking in the window. Wondering if the bone would be found on time. It was great.

My sister Jennifer turned to the front
of the book to show me her favorite part:

Wasn't I nice? Poor Jenny.


Momma B said...

I loved them too! The Berenstain Bears were one of my favorite book series'! I really, honestly, loved the colorful illustrations! Yep, leave it up to me to like the pictures!!!

Momma B said...

I also have a cup that my brother and I each got one of for Easter, or Valentine's day, or something, one year. (Ugh, what a mess to explain one little thing!) Anyway, it is a cup that you can pull apart and slide a decorated piece of paper into the center of it. Mine says, "This is MY CUP! And, noone else can use it, Jason!" Nothing like a little sibling selfishness to bring back childhood memories!

knitalittle said...

I'm glad you shared with us. I wonder what books your kids will treasure when they have grown? Ever wonder?

Tracy Batchelder said...

So who's keeping the book now? :)

Ally Jay said...

So who gets the book now? I guess it doesn't matter in the end, the memories belong to you both.

Jen said...

I'm guessing she let you keep the book. I remember my sisters doing that to more than one of my things. And my girls do it to their syblings now too. LOL!