Saturday, December 18, 2010

It's the busy time

After the Festival of Trees, I packed up and headed to Southeastern Utah and participated in a craft fair with my sister (went mostly for the fun of hanging out with her, the fair was an excuse). I've never been in one of those before and it went much better than I anticipated. I sold some mini stockings, some animals, some blankets, some stuff like that.

After I got home I worked madly on scarves for my aunt & cousin. My aunt is my dad's only sister and I love her so much! Dace, my cousin, is like another sister. We didn't know each other well growing up because they lived far away but, thanks mainly to facebook, she's one of my best friends.

Since then I have made stockings for teachers (I had quite a stock before the craft fair, but they sold out, so I started again at zero). Now I'm going to work on some dinosaurs and a couple of scarves.

Next month, next month I'll be able to stop, breathe and sleep again. Right? (PS, I am making a goal of 1 stocking a week next year.)

Monday, December 06, 2010

Lucy's 7th tree

Last week was the Festival of Trees. A favorite time. We made Lucy's 7th tree. We laughed. We got choked up. We remembered.

O Christmas Tree